Never lie - at least to yourself:

Excellent read early morning -

"My friend's mom has eaten healthy all her life. Never ever consumed alcohol or any "bad" food, exercised every day, very limber, very active, took all supplements suggested by her doctor, never went in the sun without sunscreen and when she did it was for as short a period as possible- so pretty much she protected her health with the utmost that anyone could. She is now 76 and has skin cancer, bone marrow cancer and extreme osteoporosis.

My friend's father eats bacon on top of bacon, butter on top of butter, fat on top of fat, never and I mean never exercised, was out in the sun burnt to a crisp every summer, he basically took the approach to live life to his fullest and not as others suggest. He is 81 and the doctors says his health is that of a young person."

This has struck me like anything. That too early up on a Sunday morning waiting to wake up to have my sip of coffee,  having thoughts ranging from should I get back to sleep, or go out for a run. I decided to write today.

All our lives we have misunderstood the phrase - "take life as it comes". We perceive it as an advice given to us, by the saints of the World, to accept what we are left out, rather than pushing harder for what we "want". Many a times we find ourselves caught complaining that we don't get what we "deserve" and that "deserve" - according to us, is positively correlated to "what we think we deserve".

I have found myself caught in that web too. Guilty as ever, but I have a different view today, The phrase "Take life as it comes", should be taken as, the thought of not worrying too much about mysterious unfolding of tomorrow rather than enjoying the beautiful today, of course while ensuring that nothing that has to be done today,  is postponed.

By doing this, we stay active and the mind doesn't get idle, and doesn't get stagnated. While that happens, the idleness which is like a poison will not get to us.

None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an afterthought. Never live your life with the guilt of lying to yourself. Anything which you do in your life, which does not excite you, which does not make you say, "hell yeah" - is a clear no. 

Say the truth that you’re carrying in your heart like a hidden treasure. 

Be silly. Be kind. Be weird. There’s no time for anything else.

Stop worrying!!!!


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