Be Insane enough to run in order to experience divinity.

Ask anyone to give you the list of their top cherished gifts, ask it in an abstract way, and finally don't be surprised when they give you materialistic answers. The biggest gifts we have in our life is, two legs which always stands by us, two hands with ten fingers which allows us to count on them. Are we taking care of them like how we take care of those other materialistic gifts? Apparently, No.

You are completely entitled to opinions that are not supported by evidence. But the moment you spread that opinion as a fact, you are a liar; and if you spread it as a fact knowing it is not supported by evidence, then you are both a fraud and liar. I would want to begin writing my next making this statement strong. I still have a few friends who argue upon the fact that exercising might not be necessary as they are completely happy with the way they are and happiness is all that's needed and a few would simply say - "I Cannot".

For beginners, exercising has always been about changing the way the body is. In a way, though it is true - the real challenge is about training the mind for it. I am beginning to write this as a beginner to running. Though I have been working out for close to 8 years now, My major focus had been with the weights. But, I must thank my friend at work - Sameer Nagpal for taking me through his Runkeeper app and showing me some staggering stats, but he didn't cease with just that - but gave me a thought saying I could do and I started.

Begun with a very mediocre target/goal of trying to run for 84 kms in a month, I must say the training myself to do that, has made me a better person - both physically and mentally and which is exactly why everyone must make sure to run 30 minutes a day (forget the average pace in the beginning).

I can explain how!

To be able to run, your mental strength needs to be more than your physical, and it only improves everyday. Every Kilometer that you run, your mind improves and gets trained for the next kilo meter. What is the hidden take away? this mental endurance spreads across everything you do - and makes you focus on any work you do. While mental strength is on one side, people also worry about aging and how the skin makes you look old for your age. Running improves your reflexes, and makes your body be hydrated through out the day, and when you take in enough fruits and water to support it, the skin looks younger again (not mentioning about the kind of unnecessary fat it burns - I trust, you'd know it by now :)).

Running, helps you focus more perfectly on your targets. You train your mind to run, mind trains the body, and the overall process trains you internally to focus on your targets and goals in life. One must definitely experience it. There are so many devils in your mind, which will make you doubt yourself, but the only way to come out of it, is to listen to that one single voice in your mind which made you believe you can!

So, Finally let me ask you - have you ever seen the divine force or at least understood? You can only experience. Same way, I can go on about the importance of running, but for you to understand, take it and accept by your veins, accept by your blood that it is extremely healthy, you will have to experience it.

Divine connection and the habit of running is difficult to achieve. But the reasons are very similar. To achieve it, takes time! Definitely.


We intentionally close ourselves and are out of sync to the Divine Inflow because we have not stopped and dropped our limiting, destructive, unTruth-like thinking.

Not intentionally, you say? "I don't do this intentionally."

Do you not choose every thought you think? Maybe you are unaware of the power of your thoughts, but it is intentional. We are the only ones who are restricting the flow of Goodness into our lives. The Universe is constantly giving to us, but are we, through our thoughts and beliefs, open to receiving?
So to open yourselves to greater experiences of joy, happiness, health, and prosperity, you have to stop thoughts unlike these things and drop them from our belief systems.  

So finally the question - Can you experience the divine life/ be able to run?

Catch yourself when you do think anything, unlike Good. If you have any kind of self-awareness at all, you know in your heart when you are doing it. Catch yourself. Gently stop yourself right then and there. Drop these thoughts that are unworthy of your Spiritual Magnificence, like how it is necessary to listen to only that one single voice in your brain which tells you can run.

You will roll with the flow of the divine connection as much as you can run, the more intense the running the more calmer is your mind. :) 

Both will happen parallely.


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