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The Duality of your Light: Shining for the World vs. Keeping It for Yourself

There’s a quiet but profound contrast in how we perceive our inner light and its purpose. On one side, we hear, "It is your light that lights the world around you," a philosophy that calls us to be beacons of positivity and influence. On the other, "Your light is only for you," implies an inward focus, suggesting that your light serves your own journey first. These two perspectives appear to be opposites, but perhaps they exist together, offering different lessons for different moments. The Light That Lights the World Around You When we speak of our light as something that illuminates the world, we embrace the idea that our presence and actions have the power to influence others. This light could be kindness, love, wisdom, or joy—the energy that we give to those around us, making their lives better in some way. It’s the idea that we are not solitary beings but interconnected, and our light is a gift to those we encounter. This belief often resonates with people who

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