The New Realities.

Instead of going too deep into this, I will touch upon what I feel as the new realities in a generic way, though it has been there since time memorial. I felt in this way, it lets us create an Affluence in the field of all possibilities, and to understand that, it is imperative to understand and accept the workings of nature. When this is incorporated into your mind, it will probably let you create wealth with effortless ease with an experience in every endeavor.

To understand what success is and to be affluent, a radical and a spiritual understanding of both is nothing lesser than imperative. There are many aspects to success and material wealth is only one component. Moreover, Success is a journey and not destination; no doubt that material wealth creates a cushion to make the journey more comfortable. But accepting that, success is also about good health, energy and enthusiasm, fulfilling relationships, creative freedom, emotional and psychological stability, a sense of over-all well- being, and finally peace of mind.

Success in my terms, is a function of all these put together, and it doesn’t stay put complete if one part of this missing and trust me, it may appear as if the material wealth might make up for whatever is missing, but it hardly does. In fact, it ramifies a little further with all the fake affection coming from around. You might be able to relate to this situation from others around you, this, definitely would have happened to you at least a couple of times in your life.

True success is the unfolding of the divinity within us. It is the perception of divinity in whatever we perceive- in the fresh blossom of a flower, in the eyes of a child, i.e. if we begin to experience success as a perception of divinity, not occasionally, but in all that is when we may claim there is true success.

It is the process by which the unmanifest becomes the manifest;

 It’s the process by which the observer becomes the observed;

 It’s the process by which the seer becomes the serene;

 It is ultimately the process by which the dreamer manifests the dream.

The physical universe is nothing other than the Self curving back within itself to experience itself as spirit, mind and physical matter. All the processes of creation is the processes of the self or divinity expresses itself. Consciousness in the motion expresses itself as the objects of the universe in the eternal dance of life.

It might all seem too philosophical at the first read. I suggest you read the above, twice or thrice, and what seemed absurd and kept you confused will begin to make sense, literally! It is as simple as that, once you’re able to relate yourself to the words.

The three components of reality- spirit, mind and body, are always interrelated, as suggested in the blog (the challenges in the dimensions of life). How you interrelate, the heart, subconscious mind and the conscious mind.

In one of my previous blogs on Congruency of truth, I spoke about the true self and the false self. Now, I’d stretch it a little and make it self- referral and the object referral. Of the two at stake, which one will you relate to?

When do we ever feel there is an intense need to control things? When do we feel the extreme need for power, the need for approval? These are all, based on fear! – Yes, It is one of the biggest motivators. But, trust me, when we experience the power of self, there is total absence of fear! Like, vacuum.

But in object referral- your internal reference point is your ego, and there will be a need to pamper it, and to cushion it, and what is happening here? Do you realize that one side is getting completely exposed? It is like a social mask, and it thrives on approval. It needs control, power, because it is driven by fear.

Whereas, your true self, that is, self-referral thrives completely free from those clutches. By saying this, I’m not suggesting anyone to become a true saint and leave this worldly pleasures and get into a trance state, but what I’m suggesting is understanding and accepting is the new way forward. It is paramount that, we keep us all empty and silent inside.

I will substantiate it with a small analogy- “Imagine throwing a little stone into a still pond and you watch it ripple. Then after a while, when the ripples settle down, perhaps you throw another little stone. That is exactly what you do when you go into the state of pure silence, even the faintest intentions will ripple across and you can connect everything with everything else. “

But if your mind is always like a turbulent ocean, you can even drown a building into it and nothing would be worth noticing.


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