Frogs Don't make Assumptions.

Came across this fantastic fact today about frogs, that it triggered me to write this article.
The frog’s eye is capable of perceiving only four types of phenomenon:

Clear lines of contrast.

Sudden changes in illumination.

Outlines in motion.

Dark objects, silhouette.

A frog does not see its mother's face, it cannot appreciate a sunset, nor even the nuances of color. It sees only what it needs to see in order to eat and to avoid being eaten.
Its eyes delivers extremely sensitive information to its brain.

The way I decipher It :

This made me think about the humans and the lingering concept of survival of the fittest. We as humans are also selective, though the magnitudes are more complex than a frog.

We think we can ‘see’ everything, until we remember that bees make out patterns written in ultra Violet on flowers, and owls ‘see’ in dark. The senses of every species are fine tuned to perceive information critical to their survival.. Examples can keep coming. Dogs hearing sounds which we cannot.

To get more clarity on it, I wanted to think of what is that we do, when we see the map of the world. We are looking at it, but not the world itself. So what kind of map is the brain inclined to draw?
The answer lies in one of the dictates of the world the survivability, and the survival of fittest. The frames that our mind create, define, and confine, what we perceive to be possible. Even if you think, of climbing Burj Khalifa, is because you feel it is possible as another human has already done. If you ever feel anything is impossible to perceive.

We may never think of it.. So, ask yourself this question..
“What assumption am I making,
That I'm not aware I'm making,
That gives me what I see? “

And, “how are my thoughts, and actions, in this moment, be reflections of the world that can be measured.”

The ethereal stage gets in later.


  1. Nowa days u seems to think and becomes a member of thinkers group

    1. Thank you sir. Isn't what everyone should be doing?

  2. A writer needs to be a researcher first and your article only establishes that, good going, animals/birds have better understanding about the planet and ecology and that is why forest is green and cities are concrete jungles. God Bless!


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